Latest updates from the Siimple team
Product update

July Updates!

Eric avatar
Shared by Eric • August 20, 2024

Hi there,

We've added these fresh, new, updates to your website!

  • Site Settings have been moved into the Site Editor.
  • Gallery Update - Viewers can now click on any gallery image to enlarge it and see more details about your image.
  • New Static Layout - The 'Offerings' section now has a shiny new layout option for you to display your services or products.
  • New Cards Navigation Layout- You can now select the option for the new 'boxed' sticky navigation layout on Cards themes, so that your navigation menu stays in place as users scroll down your website.
  • Section Subtitles - You can now add subtitle text above each page section title to any theme.
  • Static 'About' Section - We've added an 'About' section to Static theme.